Create Menus upto seven levels
Sub Menu 1 Under seven Level
Sub Menu 2 under seven
Sub Menu 1 Under seven Level
Second main menu
Sub Menu under Second main
Number 2 menu under second menu
Sub Menu under Second main
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Less Steps
Want to do something that can make a difference in how user access data, without going through so many steps
No Talent
Most student's in developing country try to memorize all subjects, so that they can pass exam and get certified, and that is more than 70% of population. You can notice that if there are less characteres then the text as well as the header remains in the box and more aligned.
Of those 70% , 5% are able to quickly pick when they are in real world, rest struggle and somehow manage to survive
How about top
Top 20% are entreprenuers and they build either new businesses or run family based.
Learn well
SO the idea is to understand well, in bits and piecies, so that the concepts are clear.THis we are doing test, adding more characters to display the header is overlapping the box, looks like it does not fit in the box properly, for it to work, may be something to do with dynamic text, as it keeps ad
Well Done
Once the level of understanding is acheived, things goes well, and I did not mentioned rest 10%, they mostly target for higher position and never do business.
Our Clients
test 3
Apex Technology Systems INC.
New Test
Heshma Company1